Dealing with Fatigue

Fatigue is a tiredness syndrome with physical weakness, listlessness and sadness. There are also often disturbances of the biological rhythms, for example problems falling asleep and sleeping through the night, a lack of regenerative capacity and increased stress levels. Besides the cancer itself, debilitating therapies seem to be a cause of fatigue.  

Taking a multi-modal approach, at Havelhöhe we integrate targeted activation through exercise programmes as well as integrative therapy tailored to the patient's symptoms. These not only bring about a return of strength, but also have a positive influence on their mood. In individual or group counselling sessions, you also have the opportunity to get information and background on fatigue and receive helpful tips for your everyday life. In addition, we give you tips on stress management and teach techniques for relaxation and regeneration. If necessary, we also treat fatigue syndrome with medication, for example with infusions or mistletoe therapy.  

If you suspect that you are affected by fatigue syndrome, contact the doctor in charge of your treatment. Successful treatment of symptoms is a crucial prerequisite for returning to an active life after cancer.